About Us
KILGORE MAGAZINE is a new adventure, a discovery of the good side of living and working in Kilgore. Our choice to produce this magazine for Kilgore was not made suddenly or without a great deal of consideration. We just felt the timing was right.  

We think what we do is important, but in the end what matters more is whether you think so, and in so thinking, whether you find that our work repays the investment of your time to read this magazine. Your input, whether good or bad, is appreciated and expected.

KILGORE MAGAZINE — represents our best effort to bring you original reporting about a variety of topics with a good blend of fun, knowledge & pride in Kilgore. What we can offer you is the benefit of careful work discovering new facts and prompting unexpected thought.  If you are like us, you’ll share with your family and friends.

2014 Kilgore Chamber
Calendar of Events
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